#EltonJohnLewis Views:9,898,817 Likes: 97,689 Dislikes: 8,996 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNbSgMEZ_Tw John Lewis’ most recent Christmas Advert follows the tale of Elton John and his development through music over the years from when he first received a piano. This advert plays on the idea that “some gifts are more than just a gift.” We have found that this Christmas advert has been seen as not as exciting as previous years. Personally, we agree and feel that this advert lacks a Christmas spark.
#MozTheMonster Views: 10,355,305 Likes: 69,778 Dislikes: 13,484 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jw1Y-zhQURU In last year's ad, monster Moz and little boy Joe strike up a friendship based on a mutual love of late-night Scalextric and piggyback games, but staying awake starts to take its toll on the boy and Moz realises he must allow him some peace and quiet. Joe finds a clumsily wrapped present of a night light under the tree on Christmas morning, and the ad ends with him hearing the comforting rumblings of his friend when he switches it off that night. The 2017 Christmas advert is emotional and brings a tear to your eye, reminding the audience of their childhood. This is one of our personal favourites due to the way it brings Christmas to life.
#BusterTheBoxer Views: 27,955,349 Likes: 115,366 Dislikes: 6,214 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qo27xcVS5I John Lewis’ 2016 Christmas ad features the adorable Buster the Boxer who is lovable for the audience. This advert plays on the idea that Christmas gifts from John Lewis are lovable for the entire family. The 2016 Christmas advert had mixed reviews from its watchers. Many saw this advert as exciting and imaginative due to the use of adorable animals. However, we feel that unlike previous years John Lewis have not grasped the audience like they had before.
#ManOnTheMoon Views: 30,065,420 Likes: 147,021 Dislikes: 3,773 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuz2ILq4UeA The #ManOnTheMoon advert is very emotional as it depicts ideas that nobody should be alone for Christmas and constantly reminds the audience to show someone they are loved by playing on their emotions. This proves to be one of John Lewis’ most powerful and popular Christmas adverts. This advert is very much an emotional one which leaves the audience thinking about the message displayed at the end. This advert has proven to be one of the most popular John Lewis adverts which is unsurprising due to its heartfelt messages!
#MontyThePenguin Views: 27,612,281 Likes: 124,188 Dislikes: 2,844 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iccscUFY860 2014’s #MontyThePenguin advert is about a little boy who arranges a mail delivery order love match between two adorable penguins. Not only does this feature a small child named Sam, it also features the lovable penguin named Monty. Monty is fed fish fingers by his devoted owner and the final tear-jerker is revealed at the end when Monty receives a Christmas present of a new friend. Monty the Penguin is a lovable character who helps advertise John Lewis during the Christmas period. Personally, we feel, along with many people, that this is one of our favourite John Lewis ads as it encompasses an emotional roller-coaster that the audience may have felt themselves during childhood.
#TheBearAndTheHare Views: 17,255,988 Likes: 113,851 Dislikes: 3,193 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqWig2WARb0 Lily Allen provides the soundtrack with a cover of Keane's 2004 single Somewhere Only We Know as the hare makes sure his best friend the bear wakes up from hibernation to experience the magic of Christmas morning. John Lewis chief executive Andy Street said the campaign "pays tribute to all of our most memorable childhood Christmases" and was a move by the retailer to "position itself as owning Christmas in the UK." The Bear and the Hare is probably the most well-known Christmas ads by John Lewis being produced in 2013 and leaving audiences feeling touched as they remember the characters for years on. We feel that this advert is one of the most memorable and will certainly get you into the Christmas spirit!
#TheJourney Views: 6,925,329 Likes: 33,905 Dislikes: 736 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0N8axp9nHNU It is often forgotten, by John Lewis’ tale of a snowman who travels over mountains and through horrible weather to bring his snow-girlfriend a scarf to keep her warm - this was very touching. The phrase “I’m dreaming of a white Christmas” is certainly shown through this advert by the use of luxurious looking snow and a character of a typical snowman. Although this advert may not be as memorable it is definitely delivers a Christmas message to its viewers.
#TheLongWait Views: 8,255,623 Likes: 38,379 Dislikes: 1,297 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSLOnR1s74o This was the first year John Lewis used its advert to tell a story, and to make the Nation weep. It tells the story about a little boy impatiently waiting for Christmas and all because he wants to give a heart-felt gifts to his sleepy parents on Christmas morning. This was the film that cemented the department store’s reputation as the best Christmas advertiser. The first Christmas advert to make John Lewis popular during the Christmas period delivers a cute message to viewers that Christmas is about giving to others. We both find the moral of this advert to be enhanced through the use of the unexpected turn at the end.