The origin of The Year of the Tiger The Tiger zodiac is a replacement of the olden days Lion zodiac, it was changed by the Jade Emperor (who was in charge of making the Chinese Zodiac) because he thought the animal was too ferocious, he then thought of the Tiger guardian which was in front of the Jade Palace. The Tiger protected both the palace and Earth over its life span and the emperor put the Chinese character 王 on the Tigers forehead which translates to king of animals which has stuck to this day where it is still regarded as the king. Celebrities born on the year of the Tiger:
Shawn Mendes
Usain Bolt
Lady Gaga
Marilyn Monroe
What will this year bring?
The year of the tiger is said to bring us bravery, courage and strength, the tiger is said to also be seen as an uplifting animal that will bring people hope. Not only this but those born on the year of the Goat and Ox are said to have good amounts of luck this year, however other zodiacs still can receive the same amount if they are willing to work for it.
The personality of a Tiger:
Tigers are courageous, energetic and are prepared to take risks. They love excitement and crave attention but have short tempers which can make It hard to work with them on things like projects without a disagreement or a fight