As it comes up to exams season the stress may be piling on like books on a shelf. Are you worried that soon they will fall and all that you know will become a tumbling mess? I know just the trick to solve your messy problem. Yoga helps you: stop, take a minute and breathe. Letting your stresses out through yoga may make you relieved that you found a solution but if you are like me and have no clue on the technique or the moves here are some moves to get you started on your journey to relaxation:
1. Plank pose= A plank helps build strength in the core, shoulders, arms and legs. To do it: use a plank pose if you are looking to tone your abs and build strength in your upper body. To do the pose properly when you do the plank, imagine the back of your neck and spine lengthening. If you want to modify it place your knees on the floor.
2. Downward-facing dog= Downward-facing dog strengthens the arms, shoulders and back but also stretches the hamstrings, calves and arches of your feet. To do the move properly focus on distributing the weight evenly through your palms and lifting your hips up and back, away from your shoulders. To modify this move: do the pose with your elbows on the ground because this takes the weight off your wrists. Or you could use blocks under your hands, which may feel more comfortable.
3. Tree pose= This improves your balance, it strengthens your core, ankles, calves, thighs and spine. To modify the pose place one hand on the wall to support your balance. Try to focus on your breathing to fully experience the benefits of this pose.
4. Seated Half-Spinal Twist Pose= This pose increases the flexibility in your back, but also stretches the shoulders, hips and chest. It helps relieve tension in the middle of your back. When doing this move lift your torso with each inhale, and twist as you exhale and to modify the move keep your bent leg straight out in front of you.
5. Cobra pose= This pose strengthens the back muscles, increases spinal flexibility and stretches the chest, shoulders and abdomen. To do the it properly keep your navel drawing up away from the floor as you hold this pose. If modifying the pose lift up a few inches and don’t straighten your arms.