Zoe Bennett in year 12 is this edition's sporting inspiration!
What sport does she do and why: She does dance because she uses it as an escapism from the stresses of real life and she can just enjoy the music without worrying about the stress of teenage life and school. She also sees it as an opportunity to talk to others and make friends as well as learning the importance of team work by encouraging others. 'Team work makes a dream work,' as they say.
Her achievements: She competed in the 2013 dance world cup as party of Team England and got a bronze for the group song and dance and she got a gold for quartet national. Then, at the all England regional and national finals she won 3 gold medals for national and Greek dances. She has completed grades 1-5 in the royal academy of dance ballet with distinction and grade 6 with a merit. She did grade 3-6 ISTD modern and got distinction. She is now working on advanced one modern which we wish her the best of luck with.
Any advice she would give to others wanting to start dance: She says ‘Just go for it!’ and as long as you enjoy it keep at it no matter how many hurdles you face along the way and whether you think you are failing. Be persistent at what you love and it will benefit you in the long term whether that be because you improve in your sport or because you fall in love with it even more each time you do it. As long as you enjoy what you do you can achieve whatever your heart wants. By Ethy Ttoffali